New members are welcome to join at any time during the calendar year.
Membership is $25.00 per year.
Annual dues are due by December 1st of the year.
Membership dues are used to pay for the “hospitality room” at the hotel during Reunions and other costs related to running the Boggess Family Association and reunion events.
Members also receive password-limited access to the online version of the Newsletter, which is published online two times a year, as well as special notice of upcoming events or happenings.
Click here for the Newsletter page.
Members and others may order a printed version of each issue for $15 per issue.
To join the Boggess Family Association or renew your membership,
please mail check or money order for $25.00 to:
John Boggess, Treasurer
Boggess Family Association
215 Farmington Place
Greensburg, PA 15601
We are also on Facebook.
Here’s the group:
The Message Board is archived and no longer used, but still interesting for historical purposes. For current community, please visit the Facebook group mentioned above.